Friday, April 17, 2009

I had forgotten how much work a new baby is I knew I'd have less time for myself but I feel like I have absolutely no time at all. I'm lucky to even get dressed in the morning. Ever since I came home from the hospital with the baby one or more of my kids have been sick, then last Sunday the baby came down with a fever so we took him to the emergency room and had tests run well after staying two nights in the hospital all tests results came back negative and Ammon was released we still don't know why he had a fever.
I have been working on baby announcements but by the rate I'm going he'll be 1 yr before they even get sent out. I hope things settle down here so I can get some time to stamp I'm really missing it. Have a great day.


Kelly Schelske said...

Oh Jess, I remember how I felt when I brought Landon home, I can only imagine having 4 kiddos!!

Take care and I hope everyone is on the mend!!

Hugs, Kelly

Joana24 said...

hi Jessica , yep they do :) hope you all get better soon
(( hugs)) Joana

Anita said...

Hang in there! These days go by quickly. I know it doesn't feel like it.

Lisadwb said...

Oh Jess, I feel for you. Do not sweat the baby announcements. (But you could post a picture when you think of it. LOL)
I hope all of the kiddos are healthy now. Just take care of yourself and your little ones.
Love ya!!

Kim Costello said...

Hi Jessica, my heart is with you just know that feeling when your time is taken and the worry of sickness, hope your little ones will be all well and look after yourself and try and have a nap too! BiG Happy HuGs Kim x

Sammi said...

Praying things are going well with you and your family Jess!!